

The Dark City Hork; The Squeeze—A Place for Non-Orcs

Drow wizard by Wolf Eyes on Deviant Art
If you're not an orc in the city of Hork, there are only a few places you can feel like your life isn't threatened, even if your belongings still are. When you want to get something to drink and be able to sit in relative quiet and comfort there is The Squeeze.

Located along The Market, near to where the ceiling in towards its lowest point, The Squeeze provides a place where orcs don't go. The half-bloods that go there are rare and well known. A new patron with orc blood better be escorted by someone who has been to The Squeeze before.

The name for the tavern comes from the entrance. Leading back into the common room from The Market is a narrow passage that any creature of at least human size must squeeze through to get in. Larger creatures are usually unable to make it into the common room (only those with some way of controlling their size) and tables and benches are set up outside the entrance they can use. There is no service to these tables and the only way they can get drinks is to have a friend bring them out to them.

There are times when there is a line to get in or out as people are waiting to make their way through the passageway to the common room of The Squeeze. Smaller creatures can still push past each other, but not any of the larger races. There also seems to be kobolds making their way in and out on a regular basis.

Inside The Squeeze

Narrow cave in Keelung, Taiwan
The Squeeze is one of the better furnished taverns in the area, and possibly the city. The main reason for the better tables and benches is they haven't been broken. Everything inside the rooms of The Squeeze bigger than the entrance had to be built inside the common room. The other reason for better furnishings is The Squeeze is neutral ground for all the non-orcs who go there. And, the owner is strict about not having fights, or other mischief that could keep patrons away.

A dark elf who goes by the name of Hathen is the owner of The Squeeze. Many patrons know that is not his true name, and not to ask any further questions. They also know Hathen is a wizard of some capability. It is also believed he is not the true owner of the bar, just the operator. The reason for this belief is Hathen doesn't always know about an event that led to correction. Those who start fights, thieve, or ask too many questions about Hathen's past or why The Squeeze seems to get some finer liquors, are soon no longer patrons.

Along with the common room there are four side rooms that can be used for private discussions. There are also the rooms used for storage by the workers of the Squeeze and the private chambers of Hathen.

The side rooms can be used by anyone, as long as they have been paid for. The rooms are rented on a timed basis and each contains a set of hourglasses so the renter knows how much time they have left. When the time is up, the renters are required to leave if another group is waiting for a room. If no one is waiting, they are allowed to purchase more time.

What Is Served

The stores of the bar include a wide variety of liquors, food stuff, and fresh water. Fresh water is provided as long as a customer is buying something else. Patrons are even allowed to refill their water skins. The food and liquor varies as to what is available when, but there are always basic food stuff like cheeses, along with smoked and pickled items. There is nothing freshly cooked here.

Hidden Beyond the Common Room

As part of the Hathen's private quarters there is a secret passage leading to the levels below. The passage has rooms, but doesn't connect with any of the city tunnels until several levels lower into the city. Within these hidden halls a band of mixed raced smugglers, store there goods. The other end of the passageway is located on the outskirts of the area controlled by the Oozing Eye tribe.

Typical Kobold
Orcs of the Oozing Eye help protect the area because they believe they are guarding the only entrance to a set of storage rooms. The smugglers work with the Oozing Eye. The smugglers also work with Hathen in exchange for his magical talents. The exchange has been profitable for all three groups. Hathen won't sell anything smuggled into the city except for the food and drink—he doesn't want any additional attention. However, he knows a few contacts that might be able to help.

The Flow of Kobolds

As mentioned earlier, there is seems to be a steady stream of kobolds coming and going from The Squeeze. The kobolds are in fact an organized tribe living in the city working with the smugglers to move smaller items in and out of the city.

The kobolds are well organized under the leadership of the sorcerer Dakksa.

They work to protect their operation, which in turn helps protect the smugglers and Hathen. They do not steal from anyone at The Squeeze, and will not tolerate anyone they catch doing so. There main goal is to keep attention away from the tavern.

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