

Gnaw, Movie Review

Escaping from a bad marriage Jennifer moves into an apartment away from the town where her husband lives. In her efforts of creating a new life for herself she ends up having to deal with a different level of abuse.

Gnawcreates a fictional creature that is introduced in a at the start in the film in a manner that we know what it is capable of, and what it probably is, but not how. Of course that was already given in the title.

We don't meet the creature again until much later in the story after we have already been given enough foreshadowing to know what it is and what is happening, even though NAME doesn't. At the same time she is dealing with some unknown horror Jennifer must also deal with the efforts of her ex-husband to take away her control of her life.

The mix of the main plot and the sub plot come together in a climatic conclusion that is executed with precision, even with everyone knowing what the final outcome is going to be. The delivery of how it happens is what makes this movie so good.


Gnawplays on the theme of overcoming an abusive relationship from the title to the final scene. After the introduction, Jennifer is shown moving. At first we don't know why, but her reactions to events around her quickly drops clues about who she is and where she is from.

The build of the story continues throughout the movie. Every scene supported the theme. They might not have been obvious that some scenes were supporting the theme until more of Jennifer's backstory is unfolded on screen.

Along with the building within the theme, there are enough misleading clues (red herrings) in the story to keep you guessing on how Jennifer is going to be able to solve her problem, or if she even can.

The relationship between the two main characters, Jennifer and Terry, continues to build the storyline by giving another through another lens.


Penelope Mitchell (Curve and The Curse of Downers Grove) does a wonderful job in portraying Jennifer. She was nominated for best actress. Penelope gives us a woman who is starting out with hope. She continues to run into roadblocks in her desire for a new life because of her past relationship and the unknown that is happening to her.

She develops a friendship with Terry, another resident in the apartment complex she moved to, who is portrayed by Kyle Gass (Book of Fire). Kyle also gives a performance that brings his character to life. Kyle was nominated for best supporting actor.

When these two are on the screen together they present characters that fit together.


I saw Gnawat the 2017 FilmQuest Film Festival. It was nominated for eight awards: Best Feature Film, Best Director, Best Actress (Penelope Mitchell), Best Supporting Actor (Kyle Gass), Best Cinematography, Best Sound, Best VFX, and Best Makeup. Gnaw was directed by Haylor Garcia and written by Jim Brennan and Haylar Garcia. The movie is from the USA and runs 99 minutes. Additional listed cast includes Chris Johnson (Game Day and 47 Meters Down) and Sally Kirkland (Price for Freedom and The Most Hated Woman).

Gnawis a supernatural horror thriller that keeps you engaged. There is enough that gives a strong continuity from beginning to end with the right amount of misleading details to keep you guessing how it is going to end up. It was an ending I found fulfilling.

I give Gnaw4 out of 5.

Gnawis currently on the film festival circuit.

This article is submitted to Utah Geek Magazine.

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