

The Dark City Hork; The Oozing Eye Tribe

Orc King by Mananedo on Deviant Art
In some of the lowest levels of the city of Hork, on the edge of the tunnels leading into the darker realms of the underdark, the Oozing Eye Tribe is in control. It's a dangerous area for anyone to be found without permission. Although they are believed to be the smallest of the controlling tribes of the city, they have long reaching influence inside and outside the city.

The leader of the tribe, Kruckak, has been following the same path the leaders of his tribe have followed since the city was taken away from the dwarves. Instead of vying against the other orc tribes for power within the city, the Oozing Eye has been building power outside of the city, and using that reach to influence the darker corners within.

By counting their tribal members who are working and living in other areas of the underdark and on the surface, the Oozing Eye may be one of the larger tribes. Their presence, or ambassadors, in a number of these other cities or racial communities has increased their power in ways other tribes don't know about.  One of their strongest connections is with a community of Illithid who live in the caverns deep below the city. Another is a smaller drow city to the north of Hork. They also have a hidden enclave in the surface city to the East. The Oozing Eye also maintains connections with a number of other smaller locations through the caverns and across the surface.

This has led to supplying the city of Hork, by working with smugglers, the black markets, and guilds, with many goods the residents have come to enjoy. One of the smuggling operation is the group moving goods through The Squeeze. Other operations are located throughout the city, and even inside some of the ruling tribes. When an orc find themselves owning something valuable and recognizable the connections of the Oozing Eye provides the opportunity for them to earn some gold and be rid of the dangerous prize.

Kruckack knows about the operations, but, by choice, he doesn't know the full depth of them. He represents his tribe on the Kings' Council and the lack of knowledge of the extent of the clans operations is a layer of protection for himself and his tribe. He uses his position within the council to gather information helpful in their smuggling operations (like when tribes are disputing boundaries). Also, if there is one of their operations being threatened by political activity, he uses his position to divert or distract the tribal kings.

Working with the Illithid

The working relation with the illithid has been beneficial to the Oozing Eye. The illithid have given the tribe support in defending themselves and hiding their operation. In the other direction the tribe has been providing the illithid with slaves, food, and a route into the city or into other locations they are working in.

Illithid from Forgotten Realms
The mind flayers have not openly shown interest in the orc city. Instead they use it as a point of rest between the human city and their own home. This works well for the orc tribe. The illithid prefer to travel through the city wit while attracting as little attention as possible.

The tribe understands the illithid are working towards their own end, even if the orcs don't know what that is. For the orcs, the relationship has been profitable and advantageous, and that is enough. They figure the risk is worth what they've been getting. They've also taken a number of precautions to protect themselves from the abilities of the mind flayers where they think it is most advantageous to do so.

The illithid understand the Oozing Eye is providing a service for them they could probably do on their own. It is easier though to have the orcs doing the work of which a lower race should be doing. Every mind flayer in the city has some level of connection to the lower community, and thus, the Oozing Eye. They help the tribe only as a means of protecting themselves.

Working with the Drow

The Oozing Eye has set up an enclave and trading outpost just outside the nearby drow city. The orcs supply mostly surface goods to the drow, which has been profitable for the tribe. The surface items the orcs selling have a high social status attached to them in the drow community and they are willing to pay well for them.

The trading enclave is in a cave complex that is well protected by the orcs and only those who have demonstrated a level of personal control are allowed to work there. The positions are prized because of the amount of bonus pay the orcs at the enclave earn. However, the location isn't without risk since the drow consider the orcs to be so far below them and orcs who have wandered off on their own, or even in too small of a group, never return home.

The Oozing Eye has also helped the drow gain access to the city to spy on the tribes and other activities. Along with the normal diplomatic channels the dark elves have with the city leadership, they have spies gathering information through non-diplomatic channels.

Working on the surface

The other end of the orc trade route from the drow and illithid is the surface city to the East. This location is more clandestine than any of their other operations. The tribe has lost more members to the humans, elves, and dwarves of the surface in the city than any other location.

In the surface city the orcs work through one of the thieves guilds. The orcs are in the role of smugglers and black market merchants. They are providing goods from Hork, the illithid, drow, and other locations. Even though many of the items aren't considered illegal, the city has made it illegal to trade with the "monstrous races."  

Sturrgot of the Oozing Eye

Sturrgot is one of the leading merchants/smugglers of the Oozing Eye tribe. He has travelled the underdark tunnels for years and knows his routes intimately. Along with the main trade routes, Sturrgot knows many back routes to get into places without being seen coming and going.

Sturrgot has also created a number of safe havens where he can hide between the cities. Because of his capabilities he's trusted by the tribe to transport high profit items: living and non-living. He also has his own clients which the tribe doesn't know about.

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