

The Dark City Hork, The Market Bar

Orc King by Mananedo on Deviant Art
There is a bar with its main entrance leading into The Market, a bar most residents of the city of Hork know, or know about. Because it is so well known, the current owner, Negrut, has never given it any name other than what the general populace calls it, The Market Bar.
The Market Bar sits about halfway towards the end of The Market that opens up to it full height, just before the roof raises past the third level. There really is no reason for its location other than that is where the original owner was able to take up residence and start selling whatever beer, grog, or other concoction he was able to create or obtain.

What The Market Bar Looks Like

 The Market Bar consists of a main room with four different entrances and a number of backrooms.

The main room has a bar along one side (a solid plank set on a couple of mismatched sized barrels) with no stools to sit on, with tables and chairs scattered around the rest of the area. Like the bar, none of the furnishings are built of high quality. Some show signs of being repaired and give the look of ready to use impromptu weapons. Most of the surfaces are not level and almost everything has a little wobble. One of the side rooms contains more furniture that can be quickly put out.
The place is kept clean by orc standards. This means there is nothing dead or dying in here that is not considered edible.
No signs mark any of the entrances to The Market Bar, and there are no doors on any of the entrances. Along with the larger entrance that heads into The Market there is an entrance in the opposite wall leading out to smaller tunnels on the same level and a stairwell to the side going up one level and down two. Going down allows access to the smaller halls of the next two levels.
From MattKatz on Deviant Art
Going up allows a patron to access some additional tables located on the balcony overlooking The Market. Every so often a staff member will go up there and collect mugs and plates left there, but there really isn't any regular service to the balcony unless the patron is an orc of renown or one that shows they are willing to pay well for the service before the leave the common room. The balcony allows a little more privacy, but when more is desired Negrut has a couple of private public rooms along with his kitchen and storage and person chamber.

 The only thing noticeably different of any of these other chambers is the furniture is in better repair. Those in the private areas don't even look like they have been used in a fight.
Who Works at The Market Bar
The bar is run by the retired orc warrior Negrut of a clan from beyond the city. Sometime in his past, and it is believed by many that it was because he came from a distant clan, Negrut lost his left eye, hand, and foot. Since his retirement as a fighter Negrut has learned clerical spell casting from the priests of Gruumsh. The connection with the temple would be enough to provide Negrut protection with threats of retaliation. But Negrut is one of the rare orcs who is truly pledged to the city of Hork.
Although Negrut is no longer a fighter by profession, he is a powerful knowledge broker. This work is done through himself, his staff, and through his bar. All of them are granted a level of protection from their extensive lists of clients.
The Market Bar is the place contacts meet, a neutral ground. Neutral doesn't mean that fights don't happen here, it means Negrut and his staff protect their own and don't take sides. Along with meeting known contacts, staff members and Negrut are well acquainted with many informants, and spies willing to pay for information. Many orcs come to sell information to the owner and staff and allow them to do as they will with the information instead of getting directly involved.
Money is earned by the bar because every patron is expected to buy something, and the longer they stay, the more they better be spending. No one is allowed to just sit and wait. One would expect the drink and food to be overpriced and not good under those conditions. It is only slightly higher than average and the food and drink is better than average. Negrut knows he has distinguished guests in his rooms, even when he doesn't recognize any of them.
Staff members are free to sell any information they learn in the bar. They all pay a percentage to Negrut on the extra income (this rule is explained only once to new staff). If the information is considered even more valuable they will share it with their boss for additional profit. Because of this ability to earn extra income The Market Bar has an attentive staff. This rule also applies for any items staff members come across and sell, usually while cleaning up from fights amongst the patrons.
Fights are not discouraged, but the staff does not start them and is expected to defend the back rooms when they happen. They will take advantage of opportunities when they arise during the scuffles.
It has also been known that unwary, and unknown, travelers have been given directions by a staff member never to be seen again.
From Neverwinter Campaign Setting
For Negrut, the information he deals in is that which would impact the city, clans, temples, or major guilds. His connections are placed high in the organizations and he is well trusted. He also has a network of informants who provide information that none of the networks ran by his clients seem to be able to get.
The Market Bar never closes. Negrut spends much of his time in the common room, but he also has his private chamber and freely roams the market in safety because of his recognizable appearance. He maintains enough staff to keep the bar open and if something was to befall any of them there are plenty who are willing to work there.
There is seldom a non-orc in The Market Bar. If one is present, they had better arrived with a known orc and remain accompanied by them. If they are not, the rest of the patron will forcibly remove them. If they show themselves to be very capable, the rest of the patrons start to grumble and leave. Negrut will ask them to leave because if they don't, they will cost his reputation and the loss of his business, and the person is marking themselves for who-knows-what once they leave back into the halls for paying such an insult to all in his establishment.
If an orc, and even some non-orcs, mention they are looking to buy or sell information, there is a good chance someone will direct them to The Market Bar. In fact, if they think they can also earn some money from the transaction, they may take them personally. Most the time though, the place is used as a place to meet an established contact, at a prescribed time.
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