

Witchy Eye by D. J. Butler, Book Review

In his latest book, Witchy Eye, D. J. Butler introduces us to an alternate history of the North American continent in the 1700s. It is hard to describe the book in much detail without giving spoilers (and I don't want to repeat the book jacket), but here are a few things that can be said.

The Alternate History Twist

How would events have progressed differently if magic and religious mysticism existed throughout the recorded history of man?

It is easy to tell that Butler created a rich backstory. Thankfully, he doesn't reveal it all at once to the reader. The bits and pieces are doled out in bits, snippets of information are used to create a foundation the story is built on.

There are parts of history most people are knowledgeable about, which provides the familiar. Then, his historical twist is applied. An example is knowing that Isaac Newton was a great wizard.

The Setting

Witchy Eye takes place in the lands east of the Mississippi River. What we know from our world is presented as the story starts in Nashville, then down to New Orleans, then back up the river. The geography is the same. Everything else, politics, economics, and people are different because of the work that went into creating the events of the world leading up to the current "present."

The Characters

The reader is introduced to the main and secondary characters who become easily identified as the story unfolds. Each has a strong presence and is relatable.

When a character takes over the role as narrator, with the shift in point of view, it was easy to recognize whose eyes I was seeing the events through. The individual histories of the characters influenced what they saw and how they reacted, giving the story another level of depth as the individual's story became part of the greater one.

Every character has their own agenda. Each is traveling their own story arc. They are intertwined without being lost in the general story or the main story of Sarah.

The Plot

Sarah is on a journey of discovery, but this isn't the main theme, but it carries the story well. It is relatable from the beginning as her hopes, along with the hopes of the other characters, progress.

Dave Butler
There are a number of twists that kept me wanting to keep turning pages. I found them well foreshadowed without being blatant. Butler provides great explanations of the religious myths and how they tie into the story he is telling.

The plot built to the confrontation I knew must come. Not everything presented is resolved in that conflict (it is clear this is the first book of a longer story), but don't be dismayed, this book stands on its own. This part ends with the promise of more, not an ending that left me wondering why it ended there.


Witchy Eye is a wonderful story that is unique and refreshing. From comments made to friends while I was reading, I know several who have already started reading Witchy Eye, or have added it to their reading list.

The lead character is fifteen years old and it is appropriate for young adult readers, however, don't let that fool you. Witchy Eye is a good read for all ages. It might not be as graphic as some novels that are pushing back for the adult audience of readers, but the story is strong and holds its own.

I am ready for the sequel.

Witchy Eye is written by D. J. Butler and published by Baen Books.

Witchy Eye is available on Amazon (link).

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