

Creating a Dark City, of Orcs

Orcs from Lord of the Rings
Many campaigns touch on the idea of having a non-human city, a dark city, a city in the underdark. Creating these cities are really no different than creating cities game masters (GMs) create along the surface of their worlds. And, they don't have to be fantasy settings.

Dark cities can exist on other worlds, in other dimensions, on the space station orbiting the planet, or the island of pirates. Every one of them will have a reason for starting and flourishing. But, the reasons may be a little more nefarious. The same elements come about in the many of the same ways. The trade goods are probably different and acquired in a different manner, but, if the basic elements of the city aren't there the location wouldn't last.

In a recent conversation several GMs of different levels of experience were discussing some of the differences between a dark city and a regular city. in the conversation it was mentioned that several would like to have a dark city established in their campaign, but didn't want to put the time into its creation.

I've covered some basics about creating a location—how a town starts, then grows. I don't think it would do any good repeating those articles with just twisting it to a darker location, so I plan on approaching this in a different way.

I present to you the city of Hork. I have worked on Hork for over the years and have used it to one degree or another in different campaign.

You can use what I present, but I doubt I will be able to ever present it all, just like the other locations I have done, but I can hopefully give you a feel for the general atmosphere of the city and a number of locations and people (creatures) that live there. I understand time constraints and therefore give you the option of using what is presented as is or interweaving it into your locations.

Background of the city of Hork

Hork is a rough translation of the word home in the orcish language. And, for a number of generations now thousands have called the city their home. Just like in cities created by other creatures, some residents of Hork are born in the city and live out their entire lives there. It is a city of many races, a place where the differences might be more tolerated, in exchange for the "good to the society" they provide.

How the orcs came to live in the city is under some speculation as there are different histories, depending on who you talk to.

Orc history

A number of generations ago the chief of the Black Fang tribe, Kurruck, was given a vision of becoming a great tribe by overpowering the tribal enemies, dwarves. He took his vision to the tribal shaman who spoke to the strength and the truth of the vision from the orc gods, for it was the will of the gods for the orcs to be triumphant. Kurruck shared the vision not only to his own tribe but also to other tribes. Other shamans spoke to the truth of the vision and the leaders of the other tribes made Kurruck the Great War Chief, without a fight between the tribes.

The army of orcs marched on the city of dwarves and the dwarven gods left the short people because of the fear of the orc gods. The outer doors were torn asunder and the orcs marched in slaughtering the short warriors that stood against them while the women and children fled out secret passages.

The city was claimed and the tribes claimed the halls as theirs. Kurrick was made the first Great King of Hork. Guided by the shamans, Kurruck created the ruling council of kings, the leaders of the tribes that fought to capture the halls. Since then the orcs have ruled the area, above and below the surface.

Drawf by babagannoosh99 of deviant art
The Black Fang tribe is still one of the strongest orc tribes in the city, and seldom has it been out of the Great King's throne. And, then, only for a short period of time.

Dwarven history

Several generations ago during the time of transition between two kings in the halls of their ancestors the city was betrayed by an evil priest, legends now call him Pyrite, whose plans were thwarted by the dying king and the son who was to replace him.

Pyrite opened the gates of other planes while his servants worked at opening the gates of the city both to the lower caverns and to the surface, allowing hordes of enemies to swarm in. It was only through the work of the evil priesthood on the inside of the gates that allowed the city to fall. Most of the warriors, and many of the women and children, were killed by the advancing forces along because of the treachery.

Dark Elf history

For many years the high priestess Shebet worked to influence the dreams and demeanor of the weaker minded races around her city.  With her underlings and the wizards she slowly influenced the orcs, the dwarves, and several races in the deep caverns. Her goal was to accomplish put her own home in a state of relative safety. She manipulated specific individuals of the lesser races to believe they were on a holy quest of their gods, when, in fact, she they were doing her biding at the request of her god.

The dark elves watched as the races clashed, and relished the destruction that was created. They only threw in at the last when it appeared the dwarves might be able to secure the lower gates and consolidate their lines of fighting.

The dark elf wizard released their magic to unleash dark creatures into the city, creating more chaos for all the races in the battle. Each of the dark forces in the battle claimed it was from their gods, while the dwarven defenders cursed the traitor Shebet had nurtured.

The dark elves allowed the orcs to claim the city. Hork provides a buffer between the surface world and the dark elves. It is now a place the dark elves feel they can more easily manipulate. The orcs love to trade for the goods and services the elves can provide, even when they don't fully understand the price they are paying.

Who lives in Hork

The city is a mixture of races like most major cities. There are members of what most consider the dark, or monstrous, races. There are also those who come from the fairer races who live in the recesses of the city of Hork. Those who are drawn to the darkness or just hiding from the light.

Welcome to the city of Hork. Make sure you can show your strength because the weak die, or worse.

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