

Cold Days, by Jim Butcher, Book Review

Cold Days is the fourteenth novel in Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files series. Harry Dresden is back on his feet after solving his murder in Ghost Story. And now that he is back among the living, he has some obligations to take care of.

Butcher picks up the story of Harry after the transitional last book. One major story arc ended, and at the end of the book Changes, which went through the aftermath of the conclusion of the story arc, readers were left with the wizard being shot in the chest. Ghost Storywas a transitional book moving from one story arc and putting in place the foundation of starting another one. I know several people who were not as pleased with the two books because it wasn't to the same standard as what they had come to expect from Butcher. But there was the wrap up and the transition from the completion of one major story to the start of another.

Cold Days picks up Harry's story and body slams it with authority. Of course, Harry Dresden is the main target. However, he is no longer the beginning wizard who started out as a Chicago detective all those years ago and he delivers punishment of his own.

The style of the early books is back in full force and fans of The Dresden Files will enjoy the pace, the style, and the insights from their beloved character.

By the end of the book, it is clear Butcher has more to write about. We are given additional backstory to Harry and his world, setting up a new story arc that is grander in scale than what has come before. Not everything is given, and, the information given raises additional mysteries to question and speculate about.

For me, I wasn't sure what was going to happen to Harry and his friends after the last couple of books. The series could have ended and it was wrapped up nicely, even though many felt the ending of the arc was abrupt and cruel (especially to them as readers). I recognized there was a transition taking place and picked up this book to see what direction the story was going, or if there would be any direction at all.

Weaving in the familiar history, Butcher starts us on a new journey, a new chapter, of Harry's life. We are drawn into grander schemes and greater encounters. Harry's world is larger, setting a stage for adventures to go places we haven't yet seen. We see changes in Harry, but also the other characters who so many people have come to associate with. There is a journey that is going to be taking place that will be more of the rollercoaster ride we have come to expect, and enjoy.

I am glad I read Cold Days. The fun of reading this book has revitalized my enjoyment of the series and I am looking forward to what's coming.

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