

The Dark City Hork, Simp an Orc Wizard

By Michael O. Varhola on d-Infinity
Simp is not a native to the city of Hork, and has survived because he accepted membership into one of the merchant guilds. By orc standards he is a scrawny orc with basically no muscle build. What has allowed Simp to survive is his ability to cast magic spells.

Becoming a wizard was a struggle for Simp. He's smarter than the average orc, but orcs are not known for their intellectual wit. Also, his path of becoming a wizard were not a normal route.

Before coming to Hork, Simp was part of a tribe living in the mountains. He wasn't truly considered and outcast, but because of his smaller stature he was the target of abuse by most of the orcs he lived with. He took to keeping to the outskirts of the tribe and stealing his food, which wasn't a skill he was good at. Basically, he lived because tribal members hadn't taken the time to kill him.

One time when Simp was scavenging for food he came across a book, a spell book. He didn't know how to read it, but he thought it could lead him to something greater than what he was. Of course, he understood anything would be considered greater than what he was.

He taught himself to read some of the book because of the included drawings. He knew he needed help approached some of the other orcs of the tribe he thought could, and might, help him. Alas, his reputation with the tribe was too great to overcome and the ridicule of what Simp wanted to do, along with the physical attacks made against him, drove him away from his tribe. That is when he decided to go to the orc city and live, or die, there.

Simp almost died when he first arrived in the city. He had no connections and no one to fight with, or for, him. He moved to the outer edges of the city near the territory of one of the smaller tribes. He met three other orcs living in the area who were not members of a tribe and they created a gang. There was little trust between them, but there was necessity. For a short time they had protection until they met a traveler who was making his way to the city.

From the nearby tunnels where the gang lived came a drow headed for the city. It was clear the drow didn't want to be found entering Hork when he unleashed magic to kill two of the gang. The third ran off. And, Simp dropped to his knees and pledged himself to the drow for training of the art of magic.

Simp begged the drow for training, not his life. Astherfen agreed to the orcs request and told him it was because he never asked for his life to be spared.

With Astherfen's guidance Simp has become capable of learning and controlling magic. When he was able to demonstrate this capability, he was able to join a merchant guild. The benefits of being a member of the merchant guild allowed him to move from the outskirts of the city into small apartment of rooms a level above The Market. Simp's guild activity is protecting and supporting the merchants with his magical talent.

Simp continues to work hard at his magic and is still "apprenticed" to Astherfen, who lives in one of the rooms of the apartment. He knows his master works more on his own affairs than teaching him magic. But, Simp is learning other talents not directly associated with casting spells.

Simp has learned from Astherfen that helping some of the downtrodden, like Simp was, creates a different level of loyalty that has paid off well to Simp in the information he learns. Another thing he's learned how to insinuate your strength is more than you have shown, but not to show your full strength until it is needed. Simp has used this element of surprise to overcome situations when working. It has also left him a little scared as to what Astherfen can do.

Simp's life is now different than when he was younger. He's considered an asset to the merchant guild. He believes he can continue to progress in his magical studies, but, even now the more complex spells are hard to understand and learn. He also knows Astherfen has done some activities and given Simp the credit, which make the orc appear stronger than what he really is.

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