

2017, Looking Back and Looking Forward

2017 marks my 6th year end article for Guild Master Gaming. The journey so far has been an adventure with all the plot twists you come to expect.

Before going deeply into what I think is a message of the journey, I would like to say thank you for reading my work. Because of the fans of Guild Master Gaming, and therefore me, this endeavor continues. Now for some of the touchy feely stuff I've had as I look back over the year and further.

Guild Master Gaming started out to be a place to support tabletop gaming. My ideas were there of what I wanted to do, even when my writing wasn't as good. I look back on those early articles and they bring me both sad and happy feeling. My writing wasn't just bad some of it sucks. People told me they liked the concept, but the writing was sometimes painful to read. With that urging I took a closer look at what I was doing and decided to change what I was doing, but not the focus of what I wanted.

I decided instead of posting up thrown together "posts" that said a little, or just rambled about a topic, I would write articles. I also decided I would put at least the same level of importance on what I was writing here as I do in my day job, which includes technical writing. That change has made a difference in the acceptance of Guild Master Gaming on many distinct levels.

For those readers who know me locally you get the opportunity of seeing game reviews in Utah Geek Magazine. (Articles have also been published on Stuffer Shack, and links from many other sites.) It has been a pleasure to meet local people at the conventions. Not just in building my ego (it does), but because I think the gaming and geek community is a great community. Here, in Salt Lake City, and along the Wasatch front I have been a part of the community for over 40 years. It is a fitting example of the larger community of gamers and geeks spread across the world, some I haven't gotten to know because of Guild Master Gaming.

From what I can tell, Guild Master Gaming has regular readers from all over the world. I knew I had friends locally who would support me. Now I know I have friends from just about every corner of the world. I'm humbled by this. There are people reading my articles who are better gamers than I am, those who are better writers, and those who are larger in the community we are all a part of. I've been told I have provided points of creativity spurring games forward. Along with points that have guided less important ways. I've also been told my thoughts were total bullshit. I am grateful for all of these because not only do they give me inspiration of what to write about, they let me know I will always have room to improve.

This past year I broadened my articles on Guild Master Gaming to include other areas of interest. Along with writing about tabletop gaming I have done more about books, movies, and other areas generally considered in the areas of being a geek. I did this with some trepidation. Again, I thank you for the support of where Guild Master Gaming has been going. You have given the book and movie reviews a great reception. Because of the reception they have received, I have been given additional opportunity of providing more.

When I started in 2012 my goal of posting was to get something up. That weak-ass goal provided the beginning, but only a few good articles. As time progressed it changed to publishing articles instead of just posting something. Then I started working on keeping a regular schedule of making articles available. During some of the times of the year this has been difficult, but the rewards of meeting new people, in person and electronically, has made the challenge worth it.

Looking Forward

First, I want to express my appreciation for the support I have received. Around the world people are reading, sharing, and using my articles. I have had comments left on social media pages along with emails sent to me directly. It is a good feeling to know in some minor way I'm making a difference. Even though I think it is wonderful getting the support of readers, most important to me (and indirectly to everyone reading my articles) is the support my wife has given me. It takes time to create, if it is in a game, a movie, or writing. She gives me the time to do this. This is amazing to me because she is not a gamer, nor is she a part of the geek community the way I am.

I ask for your guidance in moving forward into the future of Guild Master Gaming. I enjoy knowing what people want to see and read about. Recently, I have had requests for more character writeups for role-playing games. The focus has been for the orc city, Hork, and I received an email asking about characters for other games systems. If there are other areas you would like discussed, or would like support material for, please let me know.

Next, I plan on keeping the broader view of Guild Master Gaming. This means as I come across interesting topics, you'll get an article about it. I already have books and games in the lineup for review. Along with the articles here, I am working on projects that are beyond Guild Master Gaming. I am hoping this year will see more gaming material and stories being published by others.

Our cat also likes to game
Years ago, I made a comment of putting together support material based on pirates for role-playing. It ran into problems. Some of those issues have been resolved and the pirate project has moved back up the list. I'm also working on stories with a good chance of being published. As these, and any other projects, come to fruition, I'll readily blow my own horn and let you know what is happening.

During 2018 I'll be attending conventions and events and would like to meet with you and hear your comments in person. I know I will be at Life, the Universe and Everything (LTUE), SaltCon, Salt Lake Gaming Con, Salt Lake Comic Convention, FilmQuest, and Quill Conference. There are other events I hope to attend.

Again, thank you.

If you have a comment, suggestion, or critique please leave a comment here or send an email to

You can also join Guild Master Gaming on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter (@GuildMstrGmng).

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