

Shadowed Souls edited by Jim Butcher and Kerrie L. Hughes, Book Review

I picked up the anthology Shadowed Souls because it has a short story for the Dresden Files. I read it through because of the other authors included. I enjoyed it because of the stories they wrote.

Fans of modern day urban fantasy have probably read at least one of or series represented by a short story in this book. If not a series, at least a book from one of the authors. Eleven authors are included, covering stories that fit into their particular series universe, or as a new setting.

You haven’t needed to read the authors previous works to enjoy these stories.

Jim Butcher—Cold Case

Here is a story set in the world created for Harry Dresden. What makes this story pop is we get a different point of view, a chance to delve into one of the secondary characters of the main books. Most fans I have talked to have wanted more about other characters. Even though they are secondary characters they have depth. Here is your chance to find out a little more about Molly Carpenter. Cold Caseexplores a tangent from events in the Dresden books. It also does a nice piece of backstory to give more depth for his universe by getting a different perspective.

Seanan McGuire—Sleepover

This is a great story of just wanting to get along. Here we find how those we consider monsters are in many ways just like us. They have their own desires and fears. They have families they want to take care of. And, they want friends, and love. The theme is carried on multiple levels.

Tanya Huff—If Wishes Were

Tanya Huff explores a theme we have been seeing a lot of lately, a “monstrous” private investigator. But don’t expect the same thing you have been reading. Here we have a heroine which allows an exploration into the genre from a different angle. Vicki was a cop now P.I. looking into the events of the Canadian city where she lives. Working on cases nobody else would be able to handle.

Anton Strout—Solus

Anton Strout writes the urban fantasy detective series of Simon Canderous. Here is a story of Simon. I haven’t read the novels, so I cannot tell exactly where this one fits in. Simon is new to the Department of Extraordinary Affairs and working on investigating a ghost. I can say the story intrigued me enough to put the series on my reading list.

Kat Richardson—Peacock in Hell

A commando style story where the hero needs to get in and make the rescue. Peacock has the ability to do it, even when the mission sends her to hell, literally. We pick up the story as she and her target are making their way out. And, we continue until we see proper justice is served.

Keven J. Anderson—Eye of Newt

Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. is on the case of finding the missing property of Geck, the newt. For those not familiar with the series, this is a great introduction of what to expect. You get a feel of what the people, place and events are like for this private investigator and the people(?) he works with and for.

Lucy A. Snyder—What Dwells Within

The battle with demons and devils has been going on for a very long time. Jessie has been involved and is a little on the fringe lately. But, even with that she has to be true to herself and follows her instincts. This is another story that in some ways sounds familiar in the setting, an individual involved with a bigger group protecting the world. Just like others in this work, it is a great change in perspective through a different lead character and how she deals with it.

Jim C. Hines—Hunter, Healer

Here we have a story I don’t think is tied to a series, but it could be expanded into a universe all its own. We have seen a lot of stories of those who are out to hunt and destroy those who are entering our world, or have been sharing it with us. But, what about those who are looking to heal—to heal all who are hurt?

Erik Scott de Bie—Baggage

Maybe Erik Scott de Bie is better known for his fantasy work, but here is an addition to his Justice/Vengeance collection of work. Vivienne Cain is dealing with demons, those of the otherworld and her own.

Kristine Kathryn Rusch—Sales. Force.

There are those who investigate, and those who act on what the investigators find. Kaylee is the latter. Right now though she is struggling after the loss of the man she loved, and who loved her. There is a way to move on, but it might mean changing careers.

Rob Thurman—Impossible Monsters

When a monster knowns he is a monster and embraces it for the good of others do you have a moral dilemma of your actions? There are a lot of monstrous people in the human race, some might even be a little inhabited by a darker soul. Cal is half monster, and he knows it, he grew up with it. Now, he uses what he knowns to take on the other monsters he finds. This is another one I am not sure if it fits into a series the author is writing. And, again, I now have Rob Thurman on my reading list.


I enjoyed the collection of stories. In an anthology drawing on established series, the ones people enjoy most will be those they already have some ties with. But, even then, this collection is worth reading and not just picking the fruit you recognize.

Another aspect of a wonderful collection like this is the introduction to the worlds created that we have not yet explored. I know my reading list has been increased. If you pick up Shadowed Souls for a particular story and are willing to take the time to read the others, you'll also have more books on your reading list.

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