

What Immortal Hand, Book Review

For me, this is the first time I have seen a story that starts in Wendover, which sits on the border of Nevada and Utah. Having lived for over 40 years in the Salt Lake valley, I have traveled to many of the locations and over the roads in Johnny Worthen's What Immortal Hand. It was a hook for me, and the story drew me in deeper.

Michael Oswald is hitting a mid-life crisis. Life has been going in the wrong direction for a while. He has gone through a divorce and his kids are living in another state with their mom and her new husband. His job is one he despises, and he despises himself for doing it. He no longer has a house, or apartment, preferring to live out of his car and the occasional motel room.

Now he's even losing it mentally, he is experiencing hallucinations and blacking out. We see Michael grasping for something to cling onto, something to help him get grounded. He starts exploring his past to find out who he really is.

Just about everyone goes through a time in their life where they feel lost, and losing. Like Michael, we look for something to ground us. Something to help us get an understanding about who we are and where we come from.

Self-discovery can be a dark path. For some it is darker than others. Science has proven that our brains block out the memories of pain. Then, when we go digging through our thoughts to find what is missing we must deal with it in some manner. Isn't that the idea of going to therapy? After we find what we are looking for, we still have to decide what to do with it. Where we take it into the future.

In What Immortal Hand, Johnny Worthen (published by Omnium Gatherum) has created a 300-page journey of discovery with dark twists and turns. A psychological horror story for adults that contemplates those losses we have, the memories we are missing. Then, the inner battle we face when we learn about ourselves.

Join Michael on his dark adventure of discovery. Find out where it leads him. Decide if digging into your past is something you want to do to find out who you are, where you are from, and where you want to go.

What Immortal Hand is available at Amazon (link).

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