

The Dark City, Hork: Political Power Structure

Orc King by Mananedo on Deviant Art
As a city ran by orcs, Hork is a place where leadership is based on strength and power. The Black Fang tribe has been able to maintain the controlling seat, but a large portion of that is because the clan has also been able to establish strong ties with the main temple and its ruling priests.

There are three main power based in the city of Hork. The tribes are the first level of political power by maintaining the most visible source of physical strength. The temples and priests are next. They demonstrate some of the same traits as the tribal leaders, but also maintain a level of under-current manipulation of politics because they can stir the hearts of the common orc. The last is the combined strength of the thieves' and assassins' guilds (or are they one), which have more control of what happens when a distraction draws the citizens of the city to look the other way.

The Tribes

There are seven major tribes of orcs in the city, and many smaller ones. The tribal structure is considered to be the main social structure, even though there are a number of other influences. Each of the seven major tribes has their king sitting on the Kings' council. Calling it a council is a loose term. The main authority is still in the hands of the Greater King, who, since the founding of the city, has been the leader of the Black Fangs.

An ever shifting balance is maintained between the Greater King and the Lesser Kings. The balance is almost always in a position of falling. But, it is maintained by a system of gifts, bribes, assassinations, alliances, and whatever else the different kings can use to advance their personal or tribal cause.

Alliances between tribes exist, and, like the rest of the politics, always in flux. Orcs are usually not subtle and maintain a level of order through many shows of force and intimidation. And, even though they are not as good at ruling by intrigue like other races, there are individuals who are capable practitioners. Each tribe, and many other organizations, maintain their own standing forces to use in protecting their interests. Many times, the only thing keeping full scale battles erupting in the tunnels of the city is the knowledge of retaliation.

The Temples

Orc Cleric by Ogurec-Ubica on Deviant Art
The orc priesthoods in the city are another potent force that allows some coherence between the tribes. The priests are from different tribes and are bound by their oaths to the temple they serve. The smaller tribes are overly represented in the priesthood (along as in many of the guilds), because of the additional protection the membership gives.

Like the tribal leaders, orc priests work to protect the interest of their chosen temple and deity. The conflict between the temples is not as open, but just as active. The orc Gods enjoy war and a show of strength and are known to reward those who demonstrate their worship in such a manner. Thus, small battles between the temples are more common than the tribes. It really is not uncommon for a lesser priest to go on an errand in the city and not return.

The clergy have continued to develop their ability to influence the kings as the voices of the Gods. Priests who are members of the stronger tribes can bend the ears more easily. But, even those from the lesser tribes eventually have some influence because the strength of the temple can provide enough influence in arms and followers to make a point in a council meeting.

The Guilds

Orc Assassin by Benedickbana on Deviant Art
Throughout Hork there are many guilds to help the lesser citizens gain some protection through association. The different trade guilds look after their own, and members who become skilled at what they do are found to be worthy of protection from other more powerful patrons. Each guild works at making their members valuable to the ruling classes and the strong individual citizens.

Two guilds, the thieves and assassins, have developed a place in the fringe of the workings of the other elements of power by being able to provide their particular brand of influence. They have never been seen openly as promoting a political agenda. The leadership is always cautious of maintaining a certain type of neutrality. So, when power is shifting the guilds can take advantage of the situation without losing their station.

Those in power in the city need to be prepared for the challenges their positions gain them. Each maintains their strength on different levels and ways. The level of intrigue in what other cities would call the royal court might not seem subtle to an outside observer. But there is also political intrigue taking place in other parts of the city: the markets, homes, back halls, and dark corners.

Along with the main political power sources there are individuals who exercise their will. The ebb and flow of strength shifts constantly and only those participating in the taking or power watch closely to maintain their positions.

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