

Main Political Structure of Hork, a city of Orcs

From Lord of the Rings
Adjusting the City of Hork to a Location

In building the city of Hork I started out in a generic setting. However, due to some comments I received, the information presented for Hork will be part of Forgotten Realms by Wizards of the Coast. The responses have also been about developing in the older d20 systems so that it can be easily converted into Pathfinder and another system (they didn't say which one).

Main Political Structure

There are seven major tribes in the city of Hork. They continuously fight between themselves to better their political position. The fighting is rarely in the open, but there are times when the blood overflows into the tunnels. When one tribe is known as the attackers, there is almost always a level of retaliation from the attacked. Every tribe has decent numbers of warriors,           but retaliation by the smaller tribes is usually limited away from bloodshed because they would have a harder time of a war of attrition.

Alliances are common. The strength of any alliance is always in question. For, an alliance is only as good as it is serving your needs.

The Seven Main Tribes

After the King of Kings (Black Fang) there is no specified order of who is the next in line. Orcs are not well known for creating organized lines of ascension. Unless, there has been some level of influence pushed as one King of Kings ages the transition could break into a major battle. Two actions have prevented this breakdown so far. The first is the sitting king of the Black Fang has handed over his sit to a son before his death, and the temple of Gruumsh has blessed the new king as the rightful leader.

Black Fang

King (King of Kings): Tuagout

Black Fang has maintained the ruling seat since the conquering of the city Several times it has come close to losing control, but has come through each time. One of the major reasons for its ability to maintain power is its connection to the power of the priests of the temple of Gruumsh. The Black Fang also have a larger fighting force because they have taken control of smaller tribes that have entered the city, and instead of killing the new orcs, adopted them in as tribesmen.

Orc LARPing in Denmark
Leg Breakers

King: Spakak

This tribe of orcs has always kept to itself and maintain little control outside of their own area in an isolated set of tunnels. The tunnels are easily defended by orc and trap, making it hard to do any real damage to the tribe. The Leg Breakers took the heaviest losses when capturing the city and found a place where they could rebuild. Over the years, they have expanded their border slowly and methodically to maintain their protectiveness. This tribe, in many ways, is one of the best organized, especially in military matters.

Dark Death

King: Kollodob

In one of the higher levels of the city, close to one of the city gates to the surface, Dark Death has taken control. This tribe has maintained a stronger connection to the surface world than any other city tribe. This has played out for them in two ways. The first is they have members who are better on the surface, including the highest-ranking druid of the city. Kollodob has also maintained political connections with surface tribes of orcs and other monstrous races.

Fire Wolves

King: Looshik

It's understood by most orcs that Fire Wolves are connected with the assassins' guild. In fact, this is more of a ruse than anything else. The guild acts in its own interest, and not for any particular tribe. Because the rumor really only goes through the common orcs, and doesn't hurt their business, the guild has not tried to end it. Fire Wolves have allowed the ruse to continue so they can work on their own agenda with less interference.

Blood Swords

King: Gordung

Deeper in the tunnels of Hork, the Blood Swords have established their tribe's home. The Blood Swords control one of the major routes into the underdark. Their work in the section of tunnels has led to protecting the city from a couple of attacks from dwarves and they have been honored in the city. The Blood Swords have been expanding their territory out of the city and into other tunnels.

Dark Hammer

King: Abgod Queen: Uhucki

From Giantbomb
Abgod is the political front, but Dark Hammer is run by queen Uhucki. Within the tribe, the orcs know Uhucki is the voice to listen to, but they maintain the appearance that Abgod is their king for political reasons. They have built a stronger hold by working in areas of commerce. This has been by controlling the trade in one form or another. Dark Hammer is probably the richest tribe in the city, and they use the money for well-placed tributes (bribes) to maintain control over the flow of goods. They have been at odds with several bands of "smugglers." Not that what the smugglers are doing is illegal in the city, but they are circumventing the control Dark Hammer works to maintain.

Oozing Eye

King: Kruckak

This is currently the smallest tribe, or so it is believed. They don't get involved much with politics of the city and work on maintaining a control of the seedier elements of the city. They are willing to work with outside forces and have stronger connections than most realize with non-orc strengths. They are in a lower section of the city, away from Blood Sword territory. Unknown to most in the city, Oozing Eye controls a smaller entrance to the city, which they use to enter and leave the city without other tribes knowing.

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