

Witchy Winter, Book Review

Witchy Winter, by D.J. Butler, continues the story started in Witchy Eye (review) of Sarah Elytharias Penn as she journeys up the Mississippi to reclaim the throne of her father. She started out as the adopted daughter of The Elector Calhoun of Tennessee. But, after finding out her heritage from a firstborn priest, Sarah began her journey to reclaim what was lost. And, with the help from those who believe in her, is making her way north into the heartland of the Cahokian lands to regain the Serpent Throne.

D.J. Butler weaves an intriguing story of Sarah as her adventure continues. Sarah’s story is expanded as we learn about her, her family, and her heritage. Along with Sarah, we find out about those who are traveling with her and others who would support and deny her claim. Numerous storylines unfold as Sarah makes her way north and through the year to get to the Winter Solstice.

Besides what Sarah knows she needs to do as she travels, she learns about her siblings and is reaching out to find them. And, because of what happened to her, she knows, even if they don’t, they are in danger. Her brother Nathaniel is in Johnsland and Jacob Hop is sent, while Calvin, Bill, and Cathy stay with Sarah.

The other people we met in Witchy Eye have a part to tell in Witchy Winter. The old villains are still active as they learn about their new state of being. Others are involved in different conspiracies involving the coming of Simon Sword.

New people are introduced, giving us a broader view into the overall story and the land in which it takes place.

Witchy Wintergives us more of the world Butler has created. The story takes place in North America, but this is a land where the United States is not. Instead, there is an empire. A land where political play is as common as the magic used. There is the power of nature and the power of religion. All of it is real and touches everyone’s lives in one way or another.


D.J. Butler gives us a complex plot. There are a lot of events happening to a lot of people in this book of just under 600 pages. He uses multiple points of view to allow us to see what is happening across the eastern part of the North American continent in at least five major storylines with multiple points of view.

The pacing made it compelling to keep reading. With the number of threads Butler is able to weave into the pattern of his story there was anticipation building from early in the book through to the end.

We know there is going to be more. As the story builds, it is clear there are events that cannot be completed in this book, it is building to a major confrontation and not all of the main players are yet in place. However, the story of this book is a complete telling that left me feeling good about what I had read, and still left me looking forward for what is to come.


The separate voices of the characters telling the story are maintained in such a great way that it was easy to identify whose point of view was being presented. The thoughts, expressions, and views of events happening around the character were character specific. It is clear each character was an individual who has their own story to tell.

Throughout Witchy Winter we are given wonderful tidbits about the characters. They expand upon the personalities and provide a fuller portrait of the overall story of Sarah and what has been happening over time and space. We are given pieces of historical facts along with what is being seen as events unfold in other places.


Witchy Winter by D.J. Butler is a grand sequel to Witchy Eye.

Witchy Winter is a historical urban fantasy written for adult readers. This is due more to its complexity than in the material presented. Some will shy away because it touches on murder and other ravages humans do to each other. None of these are presented in detail, but they are present. Personally, I think they built on the story to give depth without unneeded levels of description.

I enjoyed Witchy Winter, as mentioned, and already anticipating what comes next.

Witchy Winter is available on Amazon (link).

About the Author (from Witchy Eye)

D.J. (Dave) Butler grew up in swamps, deserts, and mountains. After messing around for years with the practice of law, he finally got serious and turned to his lifelong passion of storytelling. He now writes adventure stories for readers of all ages, plays guitar, and spends as much time as he can with his family. Witchy Eye is his first novel from Baen Books. Read more about Dave and his writing at, and follow him on Twitter: @davidjohnbutler.

I received an advance review copy of Witchy Winter from the author at Life, the Universe and Everything (LTUE) (website) 2018.

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