

Wet Blanket, Game Review

The party down the hall is going full blast. And, everyone you invited is there. The night is turning into a social catastrophe. Wait a minute. You can hear jazz music from further down the hall. Dominic loves jazz and he’s leaving the party and knocking on Sarah’s door. She’s having a party, too? Now it’s time to make a move to get people to your party as you lift the nacho cheese close to the air vent.

Wet Blanket by Binary Cocoa is a social/anti-social card game of trying to get partygoers away from the main party being thrown in the middle of the table to your party. I had the opportunity of playing Wet Blanket (with the Soggy Biscuitexpansion) at SaltCon (website and Facebook page) 2018 with three other people, including one of the game’s developers.

Game Play

Wet Blanket starts by determining how many partygoers are already at the central party. The more partiers you start out with the longer the game goes. We started with eight and our game lasted between 10 and 15 minutes. The goal is to get as many partiers at your own party, which is represented by cards that move in front of you.

Moving the partygoers is done by players using cards from their own hand using a draw and play mechanic. Playing a card can affect the central party, and the parties hosted by the players. Every partygoer has a likes, dislikes, profession, and allergies. Most cards are designed with a socially awkward situation that partygoers react to. This can push people away from the central party, or draw them back.

Other cards include safety cards to prevent some actions from occurring. And, there are also more partygoers who can show up at the central party.

Wet Blanketcontinues until there are no more partygoers at the party in the middle of the table. Whoever has the most partygoers at their own party is recognized as the leading socialite.

The Game

Wet Blanket is a deck of cards the size to two standard playing decks. We also played with the Soggy Biscuit expansion. It is the size of a standard deck. The main deck of cards focuses on music and food, while Soggy Biscuit is about the partygoers’ professions and allergies.

Wet Blanket is designed for 2 to 8 players. We had 4 in our game and it was enjoyable. Later, I was able to see a game being played with 6, and it was more boisterous than ours, as people were commenting back-and-forth about losing people from their own party.

Wet Blanket is a good family game. There is some reading, but most of the cards are designed with graphics younger players can understand. Younger players were also making a lot of extra commentary about the social situations stated on the cards.


Wet Blanket is themed on social awkwardness and the art fits the theme. It might look basic when glancing at it, but it is well constructed to provide a visual representation of what is happening at a level all players can understand.


Wet Blanket, with Soggy Biscuit, is a good family game that can also be used as a filler and cabin game. There are three decks of cards with a quick layout and the timeframe is easily adjusted to fit your needs. Wet Blanket would work better for younger players and family settings. The strategy is minimal and allows for socializing and commentary during game play. An interruption of game play would not impact the game much.

Binary Cocoa’s (websiteand Facebook) Joseph Browers and Stephen Gygi foray into tabletop gaming with Wet Blanket falls in line with their electronic games and other products. If you are familiar with their other games, I think you will find Wet Blanket is a good addition to your family gaming library.

It’s getting late. You’ve been so busy entertaining and socializing you didn’t realize how the time got by you. Everyone at your party is happy and they are having a good time. The nachos were the right move to get the party started.

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