

SaltCon: Tabletop Gaming Convention, 10 Years and Growing

SaltCon is coming back to northern Utah the first weekend in March. 2018 marks the tenth year of the tabletop gaming convention and I've had the opportunity of attending more than I have missed.

I started attending SaltCon just to play the games and have continued going as an attendee and as a game master running role-playing games (RPGs). This year I will be doing something new with the convention as it continues growing and getting better. The mainstay has been and continues to be the all types of tabletop games that makes SaltCon popular.

Tabletop Gaming

Here is a four-day convention for people wanting to play tabletop games of all types. Thursday through Sunday non-stop gaming is available for the die-hard gamers reaching back into our youth when we would get together and play games through the night and into the next day. SaltCon boasts a game library with more games than a single person could play during the convention, and that includes if you don't sleep.

The game library allows you to check out a game without cost. This is a great way to learn new games and introduce others to the games you like. There is also a great method for attracting others to the game you want to play.

Table stands announce if you are looking for a teacher or for players. You don't have to put up these stands on your table, but they're good to have if you want them. A silent call goes out across the crowd of over a thousand people, inviting them to check out what you have available.

Part of the gaming floor
In past years, my small group of friends have used these table stands to play new games and to make new friends. We have seen games we like that others are wanting to learn and made the offer to show them how. I have also been introduced to games I have continued to enjoy since that initial learning of sitting at a table looking for additional players.

RPGs are also present for new and experienced players. There are several local gaming organizations hosting a variety of game systems. Last year, along with running Savage Worlds, I played in six other systems. This year there are even going to be more. I saw there are sign-up sheets already posted on the SaltCon website for those who are interested.

Companies Present

Not only game companies are there. There are people who craft complimentary items for the games we enjoy. The perfect Catan board, the storage box that is crafted to hold all of the pieces of Arkham Horror, specialized dice, painted miniatures, specialized "geekery," art, and much more. But, games are what SaltCon is about.

SaltCon is a gathering place for gaming companies to come and show what they have. This includes being able to find older games and newer releases. Envoy will be there hosting a game room of the companies they represent. The game companies are there showing their games and teaching inexperienced players. There are always games to be found around their tables.

Game Trades

One corner of the library
If you are looking for a different game, they have trading places. Along with providing a forum where gamers have been negotiating trades to finalize at the convention there is always the area where the games people aren’t playing in their own group are being sold. There have always been some great deals on the long lost loves of yesterday.

Contests and Giveaways

Very year SaltCon, and the participating companies, have given away a lot of schwag. Last year there were gift bags for people who arrived earlier (until the gifts ran out), There were drawing throughout the convention for prizes, these were from SaltCon and from independent companies. There was also a big drawing at where they gave away hundreds of items.

Contests are run by SaltCon and by the companies attending. There are gaming competitions, and I know there is also some national qualifying tournaments being held. Last year there was a miniature painting contest, and I am pretty sure they will be dong that again.

Ion Awards

SaltCon will be announcing the Ion Awards at the convention. This competition is for game developers and the winners have all had the opportunity of being published and getting to market. I have found it fun to see past winners sitting on the shelves of the game shops.

Lots of RPGs

This year the selection of panels is being expanded. (Here is a little inside scoop.) There are going to be experts who are going to be cover topic on how to create and develop games, how to market what you are creating, how to increase your enjoyment of what other have created. These are going to run the gambit of gaming—board games through RPGS.

I'll be participating on panels this year and I am looking forward to the topics I have heard about. I can't fully disclose what is going to be covered and who is going to be there, but I know those who come and join in the are going to enjoy what they see.

10 Years of Gaming

SaltCon started in a small location up by the University of Utah. They quickly outgrew the room they had and moved to a hotel in Salt Lake City, then another hotel, until now they are in the Davis County Convention Center. The past couple of years this has been a wonderful location. The Convention Center allows people to stay and play in the halls "after hours." Last year it was announced that SaltCon has been able to secure the location as long as desired, which is allowing the expansion of gaming space along with the other activities.

Last year there were around 1,200 people in attendance. It was a good-sized crowd that allows mingling without getting smothered. With the expanded space there shouldn't be any problems.

I, and friends, will be there from early Thursday until Sunday playing as many games as I can get in. I would enjoy meeting people and learning more about what you like about gaming and what you would like to see more of from Guild Master Gaming. I also enjoy playing the prototypes that people bring and are playtesting, so if you have a game in the works, this is a place to find players.

See you in a couple of weeks in Layton, Utah at SaltCon (here’s a link to their website).

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