

SaltCon 2018 Panels You May Find Enjoyable

I'm looking forward to SaltCon this year (2018) because I've been invited to join in on panels about table top games—a topic I've been writing about for years. I'm sharing information about the panels because I know others are interested in the topics (because you’re reading an article about gaming), and, I am inviting you to join us. There are other panels you might find enjoyable at SaltCon's website, but I won't be on those (I may, however, be part of the audience because they look interesting to me).

This is going to be a fun four-day gaming weekend. But, I find games to be more than just fun; they are interesting, educational, social, and entertaining. Because I like games, I started Guild Master Publishing in the 1980s. It didn’t work out at the time. In 2012 Guild Master Gaming was started with a focus on writing. I still think it would be fun having my own gaming company, but I really enjoy writing and decided to pursue it instead of the other aspects of running a company.

My writing has allowed me to be more involved in the gaming and general geek community. Being on these panels I plan on sharing some of what I have learned from being around other writer/gamers (there are a lot of writers involved with regular gaming groups). I also hope to spark some creativity in anyone there to pursue their personal dreams of writing, publishing, and creating.

Panel 1: Greatest Board Games of All Time

A few of the games on my shelves
Dave Bailey (a SaltCon staple and gaming fanatic) asked me to sit on his panel discussing games. I am considering the history of gaming and how different games have evolved the gaming experience. Looking at some of the key games over time that have changed table top games.

So far there is no set agenda on the discussion and there will probably be some interesting insights from personal experiences we have had around a gaming table, or from what we do within the industry.

This discussion is scheduled at Saturday at 10 a.m.

Panel 2: Storytelling/World Construction in RPGs

I believe role playing games (RPGs) are about storytelling and creating a combined story. I know there are others who don't agree with me. For me a major part of the experience and the fun of an RPG is being in the story. And, an important part of a story is the setting, which gets us into world building.

World building can be creating something totally different or modifying the known.

I have written numerous articles and done some teaching about these topics. This topic for me is a little more personal because of the story aspect. Those who know me understand I like a good story and read a lot of them.

I will be with Derek Grey and David Morris (both of the Adventurers League). These guys are experienced RPG gamers with years of experience in creating and running games. If you have particular questions about running your own world, this should be a place to find some tricks and hints.

This discussion is scheduled for Saturday at 11 a.m.

Panel 3: Publishing RPGs, PDF or Printed

If you have wondered about how to get published, or how to publish your own work, come listen in to see if we can help you move in that direction you want to go. There are a lot of different directions a writer/creator can go in today's gaming world. And, there is more than one path to achieve your goals.

Robert J. Defendi and I are scheduled for this discussion. And if you haven't had the opportunity to read his work, or play one of his games, you have just been given a reading assignment.

This panel is scheduled for Saturday at noon.

Please come join us in the fun of these panels. Along with the fun the goal is to be interesting, educational, meet old friends, and make new friends.

If you have a comment, suggestion, or critique please leave a comment here or send an email to

You can also join Guild Master Gaming on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter (@GuildMstrGmng).

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