

Incredibles 2, Movie Review

Incredibles 2 has received a broad range of reviews, which isn't surprising. There is a broad range of people seeing the movie and reviewers are part of the audience. I saw Incredibles 2 knowing this was a movie, like so many lately, with a strong base of love and hate. Both sides are correct with their analysis of the movie. It all comes down to what you are looking to get out of it.

I am sure there are going to be parts from here on out that some will see as spoilers.

The Downside

Incredibles 2 was close to a remake of the first movie, just with a role reversal. Supers are still outlawed. This time Elastagirl is recruited instead of Mr. Incredible. Things fall apart when Elastagirl is taken by the villain, Screenslaver. Mr. Incredible runs to her rescue, to then be rescued by the family. Sound familiar?

Along with the plot being predictable there are holes. If this was a book, I don't think it would have made it past the editor. There is a certain level of suspension of disbelief required in all fiction. Incredibles 2 seemed to break from its own level of suspension requiring a second level to make the story more exciting. Not so much as to make it work, but a feeling of, "It would look neat to do...."

The down side culminates in a weak story. With the time between the two movies, I would have hoped for a story that built from the last. Instead, I felt like I was getting a retelling.

The Upside

Incredibles 2 is fun movie to get lost in. Picking up with where the first movie ended brings you right back into the story with the memories of what had happened. It keeps with the same look of a "futuristic 60s" that was so prevalent in the movies created in the 50s and 60s. And, there also homage paid to the cartoons of the time.

The gender role reversal and the issues faced by the characters were reminiscent of the older movies and the time. I heard a complaint that new math wasn't around then, but it was because I remember going through it.

I think they hit their real target audience. Some of the rants against the movie I heard were from people who saw The Incredibles when it came out 14 years ago when they were younger kids. Now they are adults, not young adults, but adults. Here is a movie with a Super with the power to "throw up" burning bile. The children may not have caught onto his name when he presents himself and makes a joke about it, but they liked it when they saw him in action. That younger crowd is the audience this movie was truly aimed at, with enough woven in to satisfy many of the returning fans. This is very much in the style of the parent studio and the movies they have done for generations.

The audience I sat with enjoyed the movie. This was a mixed crowd of older and younger. Throughout the movie I heard younger members around me cheering and calling out. They were excited and were having fun. That fun spread, it’s hard not to have a good time when you hear children enjoying themselves.


Incredibles 2 is a summer family, fun movie that children are going to love. Just like the first one. The main level of humor is set for the younger ones, but there are also lines and setting that are just for the adults. Not because they are adult humor, but because they are more complex in the setting and delivery.

The main theme continues from the first Incredibles of the strength of the family. Family members go through problems. They pull together when needed and help each other individually and as a group. It also builds the concept that there is strength in the family.

I give Incredibles 3 ½ out of 5.

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