

The Dark City Hork: The Order of Bahgtru

Orc King by Mananedo on Deviant Art
Many orcs are willing to do a lot for Hork, it is their home. It’s hard to tell at what level of importance these orcs place the city though. For many, their tribe or guild comes first, others place family or their gang of friends at the top of the list. The members of the Order of Bahgtru leave no question as to where their highest priority and loyalties lay. These orcs are defenders of the city.

Worshipers of Bahgtru aren’t always members of the order. Worshipers may be the loyal guardians for the tribal kings or others of importance. Some are the strength, or protection arm, of a guild. The church is willing to accept all those who are willing to worship and follow the ways of the loyal servant of Gruumsh. In the gathering of worshipers throughout the city the temple of Bahgtru is very much like the other temples of Hork. However, the church Baghtru also gives a special place to the members of the Order.

The Order of Baghtru has their own area for living and training. These halls are exclusive to the Order and only a few priests of the Temple of Bahgtru or high ranking city officials are allowed in. The area was given to the Order by the city because of the work they do for Hork.

Members of the Order of Bahgtru swear allegiance to the city. This oath goes beyond the protection of the tribal kings, or even the King of Kings. In fact the oath isn’t to protect anyone. The oath is given to the city—Hork—which for a member of the Order means they are protectors of the city from any force within or without.

The order was established in the years after the founding of the city, during a period of time many orcs never hear about. The city nearly destroyed itself when the victorious tribes started battling each other for control. The infighting took a toll on the overall number of warriors making the city vulnerable to outside forces. It was during this time the ranking priests of Gruumsh stepped forward and established the current governing system.

Along with the actions by the priests of Gruumsh, the priests of Bahgtru established the Order, under the guidance of Bahgtru and his teachings of loyalty. In the early years the order was small and was known for ruthlessness, something it’s still known for. They didn’t take sides in fights between the tribes, they were in the middle fighting both sides. Their goal, mission, was to establish a level of order the orcs could live with and would allow Hork to continue. This level of peacekeeping is still the mainstay of the Order.

From Slavador Trakal
During times of civil unrest, or if tribal or guild fighting begins to spread too far, it can be expected members of the Order will arrive to settle things down. When members of the Order arrive they see all involved as enemies of the city, there is still no taking sides. However, if the events are not deemed as being dangerous to the city, they are not interfered with. The Order leadership does not want to remove all disorder—it is known that a certain amount of change is needed to cull the weak and keep the city strong. Their focus is on keeping Hork strong.

Membership to the Order of Bahgtru is open to any orc. Petitioners are required to demonstrate competence in some set of abilities (for game terms this means the petitioner must be at least 3rd level in any player character class). Once they have demonstrated their ability they go through the rituals of devotion. These private events are not talked about. All that is known about them is they are designed to show, and reinforce, the novitiates loyalty to the city of Hork.

Being a member of the Order allows some benefits many orcs don’t have. They are given an elite status by most commoners, especially the non-associated. It’s known that members of the Order will not attack those who don’t show an affiliation, although they won’t defend them either. It is rare for an Order member to be attacked by a tribe or guild when it’s known the orc is a member. Being a member of the Order allows the same rights of retaliation tribes and guilds have. However, the rights of the guild or tribe to retaliate against the Order are almost always limited (not by law). Because the Order’s position as protectors, attacks against the Order usually result in retaliation by more than just the Order.

The second level of loyalty of the members of the Order of Baghtru are to other members. Even when walking alone in the halls members of the Order are usually not alone.

Recently, one member was singled out by a gang just off of the Main Market. It is believed the gang thought they were winning when the fighter went into a full defensive mode and allowed the gang to surround him. That lasted until the gang started dying as Order members, adept at sneak attacks, surrounded them.

Support is also given by member spell casters. It is rare to see a member of the Order of Baghtru hurt for more than a short period of time.

The Oder of Baghtru also train together, learn who members are and what they are capable of doing. This level of loyalty and knowledge of each other leads to help being given without question and without asking.

Orc Assassin by Benedickbana on Deviant Art
Some non-members have also found it advantageous to support the Order. This includes orcs and non-orcs. Their reasoning varies widely, but by supporting the Order they are protecting their new home and gain a certain level of support from others who are not aligned.

Members of the Order seldom leave the halls of Hork. They are devotees to the city and their oaths play heavy on them. The only time it’s been known that a member has left the city has been when they were sent on a mission for the city. Of course, there may also be clandestine mission of Order members.

To leave the Order is a serious undertaking. Any member who decides to leave is effectively telling the Order they are an enemy of the state. Even if this is not the case, it’s viewed by the Order as such. From that time forward there’s a standing death warrant for the individual.

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