

The Market of Hork

Orc King by Mananedo on Deviant Art
The dwarves who originally shaped the caverns into what is now known as Hork were typical dwarves. The public areas were made into grand halls. There are several locations around the city of Hork where this is easily seen. The largest hall is easily accessible by the residents and visitors of the city. Those who live in the city just call it The Market.

It can be assumed what the hall was used for by the dwarves, and readily apparent what it is used for now. The wide hall stretches for nearly a half a mile. There are places where the sides stretch out over a hundred feet from side to side. Some sections are only two stories tall, while towards one end the roof raises to accommodate ten layers of balconies. Most of it goes up four stories.

Once, the grand dwarven hall marked some of the clan's achievements. The orcs have by organization, and by mishap have transformed the carvings and paintings on the walls. And most of the depictions are hard to see because of the layers of shadows. Torches and lanterns are placed around the hall, this is done for some items to be seen, but it also creates places of shadow where only those who can see in the dark are welcome. There are even corners where those who have dark vision are unable to penetrate the inky blackness without help. The dwarven art decorating the walls, balconies, and ceiling are still visible in places, or can be discerned with careful study. In one way or another almost all the art has been altered to meet the new owners' aesthetic.

Many items are bought and sold in The Market that are considered illegal in the surface cities. The only reason these items are not bought and sold openly is for discretion: it usually is best for the purchaser not to be seen buying some things. There are some shops who operate openly that are regularly watched by tribal spies. For example, it is known that Tat, a goblin ranger, sells herbs and other components to Hita, a female orc adept, who specializes in making poisons and lives in a darker corner of The Market where the ceiling is low.

The Market is not the only market located in the halls of the orcs. What sets this market apart, besides its size is the general acceptance of its location between the tribes—physically and politically. No tribe openly owns The Market. Tribes might control some of the business taking place in The Market, but their control does not extend beyond their business operation. The groups who maintain a stronger hold in The Market are the thieves' and trade guilds.

The Thieves' Guild

One of the strongest, if not the strongest, factions in residence in The Market is the thieves' guild. Most of the activity of the guild is in providing protection, especially for the businesses not owned and ran by orcs (which there are surprisingly many). Within the city this level of protection is different than what most civilized races think of.

From Deviant Art
Orcs believe in the rule of the strong, and this applies to the running of business. A business without protection will be destroyed by those who choose to come and take what they want. If you're unable to protect your goods, then you should lose them. That is the natural law, and part of the code of law within the city. The thieves' guild is one of the stronger organizations providing the desired protection to successfully run a business.

Trade Guilds

There are many different trade guilds in the city of Hork, just like in every other city of the world. The difference here is the organizations have a stronger level of providing protection. Like every guild, they have the responsibility of training those who want to learn the trade. Every trade guild also has a contingent who are trained warriors who work as guards protecting the guild hall and member businesses.

The first is what most are familiar with: the advancement of the trade by growth, training, and protecting trade secrets. They almost all have a system of apprenticeship, journeyman, and masters. The guilds are growing slowly because of the nature of general orc society, there are few masters who are orcs. Those masters who aren't orcs keep a low profile out of need to ensure their own safety.

Protection is the other major activity of the trade guilds. Some find it easier to hire out the protection from either the thieves' guild or by contracting with other groups. There are a number of mercenary guilds willing to sell their services. Another option that is used, but not as much is obtaining tribal protection. Only a few openly use tribal protection because of the associated political costs usually applied. Another option used is independent protectors.

Unhoused orcs and extended visitors are the main force of independent protectors. These individuals and groups usually only work in limited areas, because along with providing protection for their clients they still have to provide their own protection. This sometimes leads to limited contracts. Some of the more savvy merchants are willing to hire parties as guards because they usually don't have to make the final payment. One example of an established hired protector is the wizard Fafth, a half-elf wizard who provides protection to the two spice merchants located outside his home (neither of which is orc).

Disturbances in The Market

Strength rules, and thus fights break out on a regular basis. For the businesses, this means securing your business as best as possible to minimize the impact to your establishment and goods, and self. The regular fighting that takes place is the main reason the merchants hire guards. There are city guards who have their own responsibilities.

The guard who are assigned to duty in The Market are usually from one of the main houses, so it is expected there are split loyalties when they are performing their duties to the city. The duty of the guard in The Market is not to maintain peace, but to make sure any mess made is taken care of. How it is cleaned up is usually left to the discretion of the guards on hand.

When cleaning things up, if there is something to profit from, without causing additional complications (like the fight was with an established priest or if those involved know the rules and set guards while they pilfer the fallen), the guards will step in a take care of what is left behind. Usually the parties involved are held accountable. The victors of fights, which usually means there is a body on the ground and they are still standing, are required to take care of the remains. This can be done personally or by hiring someone. Most the time there is a goblin, Backack, who arrives when fights break out. When the loser isn't dead (meaning they are still conscious), they must make amends for damages.
From Lord Of The Rings

A Couple of Points of Interest

The Market Bar

Ran by an old veteran orc, Negrut, the Market Bar is a place where orcs are accepted and any non-orcs, who are not brought to a table by an orc, can expect to be forcibly removed by another patron.

The Squeeze

Non-orcs find a more welcoming experience at a bar located in an out of the way location along the main hall of The Market. The small passage leading back into a common room gives the bar its name, and there is no sign marking its location. The passage is narrow and creatures of large size are unable to make it into the common room and have to wait for a friend to bring them something to drink.


This goblin makes his home on the second level of the market near the middle. He has as a wide range of informants throughout the hall to let him know about fights and other events that he may profit from. He has the ability to quickly arrive to take care of the remains for a fee. He also has a network to make a profit from what he collects.

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